Sunday, May 6, 2007


The question is, do I search for copyrighted information on YouTube? The answer is yes, but not normally for specific copyrighted information. For example, I will watch highlight clips of athletes and actors, but I do not try to watch a whole episode of a show or a movie. I don’t think watching these are wrong, but honestly, even watching these can be hard to justify. So the only reason I can say it is right is because I only watch these copyrighted clips for pure entrainment and because there easy to access. People who put these videos on YouTube shouldn’t be able to, but it is YouTube’s fault for allowing them on their website. YouTube is making a ton of money, and if someone went through the legality and time to get something copyrighted, YouTube shouldn’t be able to make profit off something someone else invested in.

One legal act that helps prevent copyrighted material is The Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a good thing because it puts pressure on people to not use copyrighted material on the Web.

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